we have carpenter bees at our new barn and when we are outside the home the male tries to ward us off. we can’t find where they are at the main home.
is there anything we can do to kill them at the house?
thank you
As explained in our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE, the male bees will be aggressive this time of year. Fortunately they don’t have stingers but still they are annoying. More importantly, they tend to aggregate where females are either nesting or expected to nest. Seeing them around the barn and home tells me if you don’t have nests yet, you will.
To stop this from happening, apply some of the CYPERMETHRIN we have featured in our article. It’s easy to apply and the bees don’t like it at all. They’ll avoid anywhere it’s been applied so go ahead and treat the barn and house. Focus on the sides with all the activity and be sure to treat the shrubs, overhangs and siding of the home. Cypermethrin works on many pests and will effectively keep them off the home and out of the house.
Here are direct links to the information and products mentioned above:
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
Eliminator Pump Sprayer: www.bugspraycart.com/equipment/sprayers/eliminator-gallon-sprayer
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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