Your article about the carpenter bees said to cork the hole after applying the drione. Should you do that immediately after treatment. There was also a note in there that if the holes are plugged they will bore their way out.
I have a log home and the stain is a two part process. Stain + topcoat. I was wondering if the stain additive should be used in the stain or in the topcoat or does it matter.
It’s best to treat with DRIONE DUST and leave the holes open at least one day. This insures any bees using the nest will surely enter and be affected. The following day seal the holes with the 1/2″ CORKS featured in our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article. The part you mentioned about bees boring their way out only pertains to sealing holes which aren’t first treated with Drione. This commonly happens when homes are painted and the workers unknowingly seal up holes when preparing the wood they’re painting.
Regarding the NBS INSECT REPELLENT; adding it to either the stain or the top coat can work. Many people will use it in both which is best. But if you want to use it in one or the other, the rule to follow should be based on the product. For example, if the top coat is a true “seal”, then using it there would be best. But if the top coat is a repeller that breathes, it won’t much matter where it’s used.
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