Is there a chemical I can mix with the wood sealer I spray on my log home that will deter or kill carpenter bees? I have had a heavy infestation for years. Will I have to spray this chemical by itself?
The best chemical additive for carpenter bees is NBS30. It’s a completely organic, federally exempt “green” paint and stain additive that repels many nuisance pests like carpenter bees, stink bugs, roaches, boxelder bugs and ants. Basically all you do is add the jug to 5 gallons of wood sealer, mix it in and use the sealer like you normally would. The NBS will remain active for 1 year or more and will no doubt help.
Once it’s gone and the insect pests start returning, you’ll need to spray with some CYPERMETHRIN as listed in our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article. This is by far the best chemical for repelling them and treatments to the exterior of the cabin should last 1 month or more.
NBS Repellent:
Carpenter Bee Control:
Give us a call if you still have questions.
Technical Support
Armi a says
What is the cost?
admin says
You can see packaging and pricing in our catalog for NBS here:
NBS Repellent:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray