I have about a dozen holes bored into the underside of my pergola. Being the the holes are vertical, I am concerned that the dust will just fall out. Any help would be appreciated.
No need to be concerned. If you read through our CARPENTERBEE CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll learn these holes lead to nests which have egg chambers. In most cases the holes go straight up and then “turn” in one direction or another. In fact at the very beginning of our article there is a picture which depicts this exact pattern. This is very much by design and instinctively bees do this. For what reason it’s unclear but most likely this enables the nest to be user friendly and probably insures a higher success rate for reproduction.
In our article you’ll also learn a lot about the DRIONE DUST we recommend. One of it’s features is that it does a great job of “floating” all around any void where it’s applied. This is key to it reaching deep into the nest no matter how large the ones you have on your pergola might be. Drione also does a great job of adhering to the surfaces where it’s applied. And most impotantly, only a little bit is really needed to achieve success so even if some does fall out, it’s most likely the vast majority will remain in the nest and do just fine.
In summary, a good dusting will no doubt get the entire chamber well treated. Leave it open for at least a day and then seal using the CORKS we have listed in our article. This will insure there will be plenty of dust around for when the hatching pupae emerge whether that’s this year or next.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Carpenterbee Control Article: www.carpenterbees.com/carpenter-bee-control
Drione: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Crusader Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Corks: bugspray.com/equipment/equipment-plugs/cork-12
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