I could use your help. I have a carport with three soft woodenbeams. I have holes in all three of them. Please tell me what to do to rid myself of these pest. I also have wasp wanting to set up a home to. I have lived here for three years. Before i came the house was vacant the previous owners did not have this problem. Why is that? Please help DESPERATE IN BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA.
As our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article explains, this bee will take advantage of untreated dead wood. This commonly occurs in the forests and mostly goes unnoticed. But when they attack our homes, garages and carports, we generally see the damage and immediately take action.
For now, simply treating the holes with some DRIONE DUST will take care of the ones nesting. To stop new ones from coming around, spray with CYPERMETHRIN. This will kill any that land on the treated surface as well as repel them from the area. Alternatively you can use the NBS REPELLENT. It’s organic and won’t kill a thing but it will help repel them.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Carpenter Bee Article: https://www.carpenterbees.com/carpenter-bee-controlDrione Dust: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Cypermethrin: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
NBS Repellent: https://bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz
Cheryl says
Sitting on my porch watching carpenter bees bore into TREATED wood.