It is pretty clear we have carpenter bees and although we have some wood (porch overhangs), our entire house is old adobe brick. There has always been round holes in the brick and I am wondering if these carpenter bees are nesting in the adobe. Is that possible? Can carpenter bees burrow through adobe walls? If so.. how do we get rid of them? We have lots and I don’t remember seeing them before.
There are many types of bees that love to nest in adobe. Regardless of what species they are, the products listed in our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article will keep them away. Simply dust the holes you see with DRIONE and that will take care of all the current activity. Apply some CYPERMETHRIN to any area you don’t want bees to appear and you’ll have an effective repellent in place that will last several weeks per treatment.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Carpenter Bee Control:
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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