i am a landlord with a few buildings–can i purchase Diazinon or similiar for ants ….and drione and Cyperthin for bees. the bees i have are the size of a pinky that are boring into my cedar home..they fly like a freight train-very slowly…are the above chemicals correct for these bees-mine are much bigger than the one in your video. thanks much,barry
drione and CYPERMETHRIN are in fact the right products for your CARPENTER BEE problem. Dust their holes with the Drione, seal the holes a day or two later with CORKS and spray the CYPERMETHRIN to prevent new holes from being drilled. More details are in our article but this is the basic process to control this pest.
For ants, first read our ANT CONTROL ARTICLE. There you will learn you need to bait inside with either ANT GEL or ANT BAIT STATIONS. Outside you should spray the home with CYPERMETHRIN and if you see ants in the yard, bait it with the MAXFORCE. Diazinon has been out of production for several years but if you wish to apply a poison granule top kill the ants acutely instead of baiting for them, go with the DELTAGUARD.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Drione: https://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/dust/drione-dust
CYPERMETHRIN: https://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/liquid/viper-CYPERMETHRIN
Carpenter Bee Article: https://www.carpenterbees.com/carpenter-bee-control
Corks: https://bugspray.com/equipment/equipment-plugs/cork-12
Ant Control: https://www.bugspray.net/tiny-ants-in-home
Ant Gel: https://www.bugspraycart.com/bait/gel/maxforce-ant-gel-1-oz
Ant Bait Stations: https://www.bugspraycart.com/bait/stations/advance-dual-choice-12-pk
Maxforce G: https://www.bugspraycart.com/bait/granule/maxforce-gran
Deltaguard G: https://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/granule/delta-guard-20-lb
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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