I’ve read a lot of info on the internet about bumblebees and the ones we are having trouble with aren’t nesting as the experts suggest. They are hovering around the eve of our porch roof which means they are constantly very close to the door we come in and out of. They are huge, and we’ve seen at least 3 adult size bumblebees. When they come around each other they seem to fight and chase each other away. The problem is we never see them land. They will be there hovering all day, every day, as long as the weather is warm (spring through summer). It’s crazy! We’ve tried typical bee spray and that has no affect on them. We can not see any sort of hive to treat. We will try to find the Bee Freeze product you talked about because I think if we can get rid of these three large bumblebees, maybe we won’t have any more trouble. We’ve been in this house for 11 years, and we’ve only had this issue for the past 2 summers. What else can we do? Do you have any advice? I am concerned my children will get stung, or the bumblebees will come inside when someone enters, and I want to prevent either of these two things from happening. Thank you in advance for your reply. C.B.
I strongly suspect what you’re seeing are in fact carpenter bees and not bumble bees. If you take some time to read our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll learn all about this species which is very different from bumble bees.
One thing you’ll learn in the article is the ones you’re seeing are most likely males waiting on females. I’m saying this because seeing them tumble fight in mid air is very common this time of year. To repel them, you’ll have to spray with either the CYPERMETHRIN or the INSECT REPELLENT. A good dose of either on the porch up around the eve where you mostly see them should repel them from the area.
Here are direct links for this information and products mentioned above:
Carpenter Bee Article: www.carpenterbees.com
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
NBS Repellent: bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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