I have bumble bees coming into my sunroom throughout the day, I always manage to get the window open and let them out, there is a deck attached to the sunroom but I am not sure if that is where the nest is. I let 3-4 out the window every day. Not sure what to do since I do not know if they are in the wall or coming from the deck area. I only get one bee at a time (Thankfully). Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed as I know it is only a matter of time before me or my cats get stung.
My first thought is whether or not you actually have bumble bees. Their nests are only now just developing but typically you don’t see a lot of mature nests till late in the summer. That means to have the same bumble bee finding her way into your sun room over and over would be odd and not likely statistically. This fact leads me to believe it could be another type of bee.
Carpenter bees are bees that drill or chew through wood and love to live in decks. Since you have a deck in close proximity to the sunroom, I’m thinking you might actually have a carpenter bee nest that has drilled holes all the way through to the sunroom. If one hole has an exit into the sunroom, it would explain why you keep seeing them in there. They have no idea they are entering the sunroom; they would only know they are using a part of their nest and in advertently exit it and cannot find the exit hole so you see them. At this time here is what I suggest.
First, review our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article. In the article you can see a female carpenter bee close up as well as learn she has an abdomen which is shiny and metallic unlike a bumble bee which is hairy all over it’s body. Since you are seeing these bees so often, you should notice is they are metallic or shiny on the lower half of their body. This clue should tell you just which species you are seeing.
If you discover they are really carpenter bees, there will be two things you should do. First, go outside and try to learn where they have created nests. Treat these nests with DRIONE as explained in our article and seal the nests with CORKS. Next, on the sunroom side, do a good inspection to see if you can find a small entry hole they may be using to gain access to the sunroom. As you can see in the article, this hole would be almost 1/2″ wide and very smooth, like it was made with a hand drill. If you find such a hole, seal it and your problem should be easy to resolve.
Alternatively you may be able to learn for sure that you have bumble bees and if that is the case, the only way you would have them entering over and over would be if they are using some part of the deck for a nest which has access to the sunroom. Again, you’ll need to find their nest but as you will learn in our BUMBLE BEE CONTROL article, their nests are typically under flat objects like wood and not in wood like carpenter bees make them. If you spend some time outside observing the area in the morning after the sun has risen, you should be able to find some bee activity which might reveal exactly where this location is on the house. At that point you could apply some DELTAMETHRIN DUST to the entrance ways and get quick control.
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Corks: https://bugspray.com/equipment/equipment-plugs/cork-12
Delta Dust: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/deltamethrin-dust
Crusader Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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