I have looked at your website and your products but I need some help before I perhaps place an order. I have a log home and I am being consumed by carpenter bees and wasps. Do you have a product that will eliminate both or control both? If yes, what is the best for me to use? The carpenter bees seem to be mostly under the soffit but that are flying everywhere. The wasps are a major problem. They seem to be in the crown of the house, but I cannot visibly see their nest. Thank you for any and all help.
Carpenter bees and wasps will commonly infest the same area of most any home. Log homes are ever more susceptible to these pests. The good news is that both can be controlled with the same products.
If you take some time to review our Wasp Control and Carpenter Bee Control articles, you’ll see both detail using Drione Dust. Apply this to the siding, soffits and any place where you see either pest. It will not only kill those that are nesting but it will keep them away for extended periods of time. Based on where you mentioned you’re seeing the activity, the use of a Dustick may be needed. Remember, log homes should be treated every spring and fall with the Drione to keep out all unwanted pests and a good dust applicator will last many years.
For extra protection, spray the siding with Cypermethrin. Both wasps and bees don’t like this material and will avoid treated surfaces. Use a good Pump Sprayer for the treatment and you should only have to do this 1-2 in the spring and then again in the fall to keep matters under control.
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Dustick: https://bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/dustick
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
Eliminator Pump Sprayer: www.bugspraycart.com/equipment/sprayers/eliminator-gallon-sprayer
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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Jimbeau Hinson says
I have a hundred year old wooded shed on my ranch. It is divided into three sections. The side I keep my chicken food and garden tools has slatted wooden wall… more than likely poplar. While feeding the tin can I keep chicken food a black and yellow fuzzy bee stung me on my right knee two or three times before I sprayed with wasp/hornet spray and killed it. Bees have never attacked me before. I was busy scrubbing the deck I built on the front of it and was attacked by another bee that stung me on my right pec. I was able to pull it off of me before it got all its venom in me. That evening my leg below my knee turned bright red and ached. I called my Dr and he advised taking an antihistamine. The pec never swelled up but both places itched like crazy the next few days. Now when I go out to feed and change the water for my chickens I wear protective clothing and have had to spray several attacking bees. I noticed a bee go into a small whole in the slatted wood wall. So I’ve spotted the entryway. I hate to kill a nest but I can’t have them in the shed where they attack me daily. I’ve read your page. Looks like I need the Drione powder. So do I order that and a cork? HELP!
admin says
Go with the Drione and don’t worry about corking it. The treatment will quickly take care of any nest and it should provide a good 3-6 months of residual too.
Drione: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Hand Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
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U-Spray Bugspray