We have a carpenter bee flying around out in the back yard by some flowers and it keeps chasing us around. Will it sting us?
You’re probably seeing a male carpenter bee. Males hang around in the spring looking for females who are foraging for food and a good nest site. Male carpenter bees cannot sting so if it’s one you’re seeing, there isn’t any real danger. You can tell a male carpenter bee because they will have a yellow face.

Other differences are listed in our Carpenter Bee Control Article.
I suggest you do a thorough inspection around the property to see if you have any females nesting or attempting to make a nest. Females will drill holes in wood where they will lay eggs and live. These holes can do quite a bit of damage so be on the look out for any that might be happening to something of value. If you find some nests, treat as we explain in our carpenter bee article to keep the damage minimized.