I had carpenter bees in the back of my fascia board and I had an exterminator spray the area. What can I do to prevent them from returning next year? Is there any material that I can use to plug the gap between the fascia board and the aluminum siding to prevent the bees from getting behind the board in the future?
If you read through our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article, you’ll learn there are several repellent options that can be deployed to help keep them away.
First, be sure to treat the gap with some DRIONE DUST. This dust is highly active on carpenter bees and they’ll avoid anywhere it’s applied.
Use a HAND DUSTER to apply it.
Hand Duster:
Next, seal the gap with some COPPER STUFF IT. This copper based steel wool like material is ideal for sealing any type of hole, gap, crack or crevice one can find on most homes.
Copper Stuff It:
And for large areas, fill excessive gaps with some PUR FOAM. This is a professional grade expanding product that’s the best on the market.
Pur Black:
Lastly, if you still find too many bees lingering in the area or some place new around the home, spray with CYPERMETHRIN in the spring and summer. They’ll avoid the treatment and if you renew it by treating once a month, you should be able to stop them from boring new nests.
Carpenter Bee Control: