Hi! How are you? I just moved into an apartment on the second floor. I noticed that I have 2 large Carpenter bees floating around on my balcony and I am allergic to bees. I enjoy to spend my time outside with my dog but I do not wish to get stung. I read on your site about the nesting, but to be honest I don’t know where it would be. I would like to get rid of them or get them away so I don’t have to panic every time I walk outside. If you can give be a bit of advice on what to do, it would be helpful. There is also a tree below and in front of my balcony so again im not sure where the nest is coming from. Please help. Thank you.
In our article we talk about both males and females. In this section you’ll learn that females tend to make nests and hang around them. Basically they’re very shy and secretive and only seen going in and out of their nests as well as foraging for food on flowers.
Male carpenter bees are very different. Basically they’ll forage and hang around out in the open. Constantly looking for females, they don’t hang around nests or flowers but will commonly be seen “floating around” like the bees you’re describing.
More importantly, male carpenter bees do not have a stinger. So I’m fairly sure you have nothing to worry about with the bees you’re seeing. That being said, there are some things you can do to either minimize their presence or eliminate them altogether.
So the most effective thing you can do is find any local nests and get them dusted with Drione. This in turn will eliminate the females which are attracting males. My guess is somewhere near there is at least one nest. And all it would take is one or two females active in this nest and their scent would be strong enough to keep several males around the area.
So for now, I suggest you go back outside and start looking around for any nests. Remember, females will commonly drill holes into fences, shutters, overhangs, facia boards, under gutters, around door frames and basically anywhere wood is used. And they’ll readily nest in trees and shrubs too.
So if you’re able to find a nest or two, get them dusted with Drione. This in turn will kill the females and once they’re gone, their pheromone scents will disappear. This in turn will cause the males to loose interest in hanging around and cause them to leave.
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Hand Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Now if you’re not able to find any nests, the next best way to chase them off would be by using either Cypermethrin or NBS. Either spray can be applied to any surface close to where you’re seeing bees flying. So if there is a flower pot or plant they’re hanging around, treat the plant. If there is a flag or balcony railing they favor, spray it. Male bees will many times notice a color that will keep them focused and this color could be your balcony railing, maybe a flower pot on the balcony or even something else around the area.
Whatever it is, spray it down with either the Cypermethrin or NBS and you might be able to chase the unwanted bees away. Both of these materials are highly repellent to bees and they can detect it’s presence causing them to relocate.
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
NBS Repellent: https://bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz
More information on these bees including the differences between males and females can be seen here:
Carpenter Bee Control: www.carpenterbees.com/carpenter-bee-control.html