My husband is a beekeeper with hives of honey bees in our urban back yard. Our garden shed is about 20 feet from the hive stand and the carpenter bees have assaulted the eaves of the shed for several years with more vigor each year. I’ve recently added a cedar trellis (painted) and repainted the […]
carpenter bees and ants
We bought a house last summer and we found that we have carpenter bees in the gazebo (we have not found any holes in the deck itself). Most of the holes were plugged with metal bolts. Nothing was sprayed inside the holes. We plan on buying some DRIONE DUST and the CRUSADER HAND DUSTER. Should […]
bees in log home
Good morning, Watched your videos and think I need to order your products. We have four loghomes in WV. One has a carpenter bees problem. Outside surface is about 2000sq ft. There are about 50 bee holes. Cabin is on a hill side and thus about 35 feet high on one side. Questions; 1 How […]
bees in oak tree
I notice there are holes all in my oak tree and bee’s keep coming in and out of the holes. What is causing this and how do I get rid of them? There are many pests that can drill into trees. The short list includes BORERS, POWDERPOST BEETLES, WOOD WASPS and CARPENTER BEES. Regardless of […]
bees in house
I think we may have bees in our attic, I’ve noticed them in my daughter’s room (which has the attic access in her closet) either dead or walking/flying very sluggishly. They seem to be coming in more and more, what threw me off is that I found a couple in the basement also, two flights […]