I own a log home restoration company. I treat log homes with timbor (after I strip the logs, but before I apply the new stain) as a preventative against wood boring insects and fungi as part of my restoration process, and when I run into carpenter bees I use Drione dust in the holes and seal them with chinking. I haven’t figured out how to stop the bees from boring new holes after I’ve finished the job until I read about Cypermethrin. What I’d like to know is how do I use this product in conjunction with Timbor?
Thank You.
Cypermethrin is something that can be applied over the exterior finish of wood to prevent carpenter bees from drilling new holes. However, you cannot get the same results if it’s applied under the finishing coat. Timbor can be applied under the finishing coat and it will help prevent wood destroying organisms like insects and decay fungi. But applying Cypermethrin at the same time as the Timbor would serve no benefit. The Cypermethrin would loose it’s effectiveness once the finishing coat was applied so this is not a productive way to use Cypermethrin. If you wish to deter the bees from drilling, you’ll have to apply it after the wood is installed as explained in our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE.
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
Timbor: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/wettable-powder/borathor-wp
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