Good morning,
Watched your videos and think I need to order your products. We have four loghomes in WV. One has a carpenter bees problem.
Outside surface is about 2000sq ft. There are about 50 bee holes.
Cabin is on a hill side and thus about 35 feet high on one side.
1 How much drione dust would I need?
2 Does it have a shelf life?
3 How much Cypermethrin would I need, given the fact that I would have to repeat the treatment.
4 You mention to plug the holes with corks. Do you sell these corks?
5 Are there any devices to apply these corks in high places which i can’t reach?
6 These pin stream tip sprayers, can these be bought anywhere?
7 The Drione dust, will that also work against yellow jackets nests?
Ant further suggestions?
Best regards and hope to hear from you.
No doubt loghomes are a prime target for carpenter bees. They love the logs along with many other pests like ASIAN LADYBUGS and WASPS. Fortunately the products you’ll need to treat your loghome for carpenterbees will work on just about everything else too. Now, to answer some of your questions…
I believe a 1 lb jar of DRIONE could do the job but you may need more. It really depends on just how deep the holes go so it’s tough for me to say for sure. Most jugs will treat 25-50 holes but since it will keep for up to 5 years, you may just get 2 and have some for the future. Loghomes tend to attract all kinds of pests so I’m sure it won’t go to waste.
I’d get at least the pint of CYPERMETHRIN but since it too can keep for at least 5 years, you may want to get more based on the values of getting larger sizes.
We actually carry a very exact sized CORK which is ideal for this application.
For high places, I suggest you consider getting a DUSTICK. It’s ideal for this exact application and the video’s we have on it show why it can really help.
Not sure where you’ll be able to find a good sprayer but if you can’t find one you know will do the job, go with either the SOLO HD or the 20 GALLON HOSE END.
View the Drione video I did which details why it’s one of the best products for use around the home. It’s at the bottom of the product page. I believe I can control most any pest with nothing but Drione and yeah, it will handle YELLOW JACKETS easy.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Solo Sprayer:
20 Gallon Hose End:
Yellow Jacket Treatments:
Carpenter Bee Control:
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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