I have a problem with carpenter bees (very large black bee). They bore into my Mulberry trees ending up killing the tree. Is there anything I can do to get rid of these pesty bees? I have asked my local nursery here and they don’t know what to tell me.
If you read through our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll learn these bees are drilling holes for nesting. Once they find an section of wood that’s vulnerable, they’ll begin with a single nest. Since the bees that develop in that lone nest will return to where they were born when they’re ready to reproduce, you will tend to get more and more activity and though they’ve been focused on your Mulberry trees thus far, I’m pretty sure they’ll start drilling out any tree on your property if left untreated. Fortunately the control program for this kind of problem is easy to implement.
First, you’ll need to treat all existing holes with DRIONE DUST. Seal the hole with the 1/2″ CORKS we have listed in our article. Next, spray all tree trunks with CYPERMETHRIN monthly in the spring and fall when they tend to drill new nests. Cypermethrin will both kill and repel bees and treatments will last 2-4 weeks. Our organic spray, the INSECT REPELLENT CONCENTRATE, can be used in place of the Cypermethrin but it’s not as strong. It won’t kill the bees but it does a good job of repelling them and can be substituted for the Cypermethrin if you prefer.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Carpenter Bee Control Article: www.carpenterbees.com
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Crusader Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Corks: https://bugspray.com/equipment/equipment-plugs/cork-12
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
NBS Repellent: https://bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz
Give us a call if you still have questions.
Technical Support
katy says
I have a mulberry tree overhanging my large second story deck. I don’t know if the carpenter bees are also drilling nests in the tree but they certainly are boring into my deck! I noticed this post because of the mulberry tree connection…was wondering if maybe they favor this particular tree?
admin says
We’re not aware of link between this species of tree and carpenter bees. If anything, it could be they are targeting some pollen or other related food to the developing foliage.
As for the bees boring into your deck; get the holes treated with Drione Dust and then spray with Cypermethrin to stop any new activity. This 1-2 punch will cure the problem immediately.
Drione: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Hand Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
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U-Spray Bugspray