I had some carpenter bee holes in my swingset last year which were treated and sealed off. This year we had to do some repairs to the wood and in the area where we treated. When we cut away some of this rotten wood there were large white larvae looking worms tucked away in the back of the holes. They were HUGE! Are these carpenter bee larvae?
Most likely. Carpenter bee holes are used as nests where eggs are deposited. If you don’t treat with the Drione we have listed in our Carpenter Bee Control article the eggs won’t die. In fact, they’ll hatch out the following year attempting to complete the life cycle of the bees. What you saw was most likely the carpenter bee larvae. At this point I would make sure any holes still remaining in the wood are properly treated or else the swing set will suffer more damage. And if you notice adult bees hanging around this spring, be sure to spray with the Cypermethrin to stop them from boring new holes.
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Crusader Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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