I just went up in my attic and noticed several large bees walking around on a window, along with some dead on the floor. From the outside, it appears they may be getting in under the roof. When would be the best time to go up there to investigate? I have small children and I do not want the bees coming into our home.
If you review our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll learn these bees bore through wood to create their nests. It’s not uncommon for nests to get “plugged up” with too many bees forcing them to drill new exit holes as explained in this post:
In most cases one of the situations described above is what causes some to end up inside the home for sure. Though not the best of situations, be thankful this is happening into the attic and not the main living spaces. And as the above post explains, this should only go on for another week or two before they’ll all emerge and be done. Once this spring release happens, you’ll have some time to treat the area to make sure the problem doesn’t get any worse over the summer.
As for when to do the treatment? I say anytime after 2 weeks from when you first noticed them. I say this because if you treat now, chances are likely any others still not emerged will definitely be forced into the home. To avoid this from happening, wait a bit. Next, a good dusting round the gutters, eaves, where the roof shingles hang over the gutters and up under any siding you have on the home would be a good way to treat the problem and keep it under control. As explained in our article, the DRIONE DUST will not only kill what’s there but it’s light “floating” action will surely penetrate enough of the shingles and any voids behind it to make the entire area unliveable by these bees. Be sure to use it all around the house too as it works well on wasps and other invasive pests. You might need a DUSTICK to reach the roof line but one treatment done every spring and fall will keep any house bee and wasp free so it’s well worth the cost and effort.
Here are links to the information and products mentioned above:
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Dustick: https://bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/dustick