I am paying a local pest control company almost 1000 per year to treat for Carpenter Bees. Is there something I can do myself?
Absolutely. First, read through our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article. All you need to learn is covered. From the article you’ll learn if you’ll need to dust or just spray. Dusting is required for existing nests and the spraying is what you should do to keep them away for good.
Lastly, be sure to get some NBS PAINT ADDITIVE to use with the stain or paint on the exterior of the cabin the next time it’s applied. NBS does a great job of adhering to the coating and can repel much longer than the spray.
NBS Repellent: bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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