For several years i have had carpenter bees in my mail box post. do the offspring come back to the same nest as their parents?
why are these insects SO aggressive? do they sting??
If you read our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article, you’ll learn in the spring the males are seeking females and tend to be aggressive. Fortunately they don’t have stingers so you don’t have to worry. Our article also details just what you think; they do come back to reuse old nests. Whether it’s a smell they detect or just a great place to make a nest; once you have some nests on or around the building, it’s likely they’ll keep returning unless you treat the area.
I suggest you dust any nests you can find with some DRIONE. Spraying with CYPERMETHRIN will also keep them away if you don’t see any nests. And be sure to do a good inspection around the house so you aren’t missing any damage that might be happening where it could really matter. A slow walk around your property in the middle of the day should show any if they’re present so it won’t be hard to tell.
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