I have two bees that I believe are carpenter bees who are trying to nest in my outdoor swing. My swing is metal with cushions. On the right and left edges of the swing, there is a gap (like a tunnel) between where the metal pole is and the material that wraps around the pole. I see them going in there and think they are nesting. I am deathly afraid of bees and wasps and want my swing back!! any suggestions? I didnt think carpenter bees nested anywhere other than wood.
You are right; carpenter bees will generally take advantage of exposed and vulnerable wood by drilling out holes in which to nest. However, they also recycle or use old holes from year to year without drilling new ones. It’s quite possible some bees have found the gap you described above and are treating it like an old nest. If it measures close to a carpenter bee nest in width and length. it could be just the right size to make them happy and content. I know of several wasps and bees that will readily move into such spaces and no doubt carpenter bees will if they find them.
Fortunately treatment would be easy. If you refer to our CARPENTER BEE ARTICLE, you’ll see we mention the use of dusts for treating their holes and nests. In this case, the PT-230 DUST would be ideal. One treatment should do the trick. Get them in the evening when they are sure to be inside the nest and simply stick the tube applicator of the dust in the hole and squeeze it on for 1-2 seconds. That will no doubt take care of the problem. I also recommend treating any other gaps you can see as they’re likely to be seen and used if left unprotected.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Carpenter Bee Control: www.carpenterbees.com
PT Tri-Die: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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