We appreciate your site and product list and want to see if you have what we need. Last Summer, we had a bee keeper come and remove our honey bees and honey from an eve that extends about one foot out from our house. The bees are gone, but we want to make sure that they don’t come back and have heard that their pheromones will attract more if any of the hive is left behind. What remains of the combs are very much stuck to the eve and we don’t want to have to tear the whole thing down. Could one of your products be used to coat the remaining comb with so it won’t attract any more bees? If not, do you have ant suggestions?
With much appreciation,
Spraying the remaining comb with some CYPERMETHRIN will prevent other bees from finding it interesting. The Cypermethrin is highly repellent to bees and they’ll readily stay away from treated surfaces. We sell a lot of it for Carpenter Bees and it’s fine to apply on the eve or side of your home. You can use a good PUMP SPRAYER or even a HOSE END SPRAYER for the application. And though winter isn’t quite over yet, it soon will be so be sure and treat before the bees arrive!
Here are direct links to all the products listed above:
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
Eliminator Pump Sprayer: www.bugspraycart.com/equipment/sprayers/eliminator-gallon-sprayer
Hose End: www.bugspraycart.com/equipment/sprayers/gilmour-20g-390
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