I’ve had an ongoing problem with carpenter bees drilling holes in overhangs that are on all sides of my house. I’ve been spraying with the Cypermethrin and it’s worked quite well but I’m wondering if there is something I can do that’s more permanent. What if I add some to the paint I use on my trim and siding? How much would I need? I generally paint every 4-5 years (a lot of touch up for sure) and if there is any way I can incorporate a chemical with the paint I’d do it.
At this time the best product to use as a paint or stain additive is NBS. Mix 1 pint per 5 gallons of paint or stain and you’ll get a good 1-2 years of protection.
NBS Repellent: bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz