We moved into our first house this past November. While outside recently–I noticed the carpenter bees flying around. I didn’t pay them much attention because they were not around the wood deck, but around the aluminum clad fascia boards..so I thought they were just doing the bee thing and let them be. THEN a few days later I noticed something on the vinyl siding in a few spots…..then I watched the bees…they hovered and eventually clinged on and crawled underneath. I was not happy…I can only imagine how much damage has been done to the boards and in years past if they come back every year from what I’ve read.
My question is IF I spray with cypermenthrin and spray as well as I can over the clad and under the facsia boards, will that be enough since I cannot see under the boards to actually get to the holes, or is it too late?
Any other suggestions or do I need to call someone in with other equipment needed to convince them to leave??
Thanks for your time,
If you read our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll learn the DRIONE DUST is the best product to use on this pest. On the Drione Dust page there is a video which discusses all the benefits of Drione. In fact, around minute 8 of the video we aply some under cedar shakes and you’ll see the dust coming out way above where it was applied. This is due to it’s light and airy design. And this design makes it float around much like “smoke” which is needed for treating under siding. Because of this trait the Drione is perfect for getting up and into tight spaces like you’re describing.
For your situation, a quick dusting after hours will solve the problem. I’d wait till the evening, close to dark, when you know they’ll be in the nest. I’d then dust by squirting 3-5 times every foot into the cracks for 2-3 rows where you’ve seen activity. Even if any were to come out there is little chance of them stinging since the dust will be overwhelming them. I would expect any that did come out would just fall to the ground and die. The whole process could be done in less than 5 minutes.
Next, I would spray with the CYPERMETHRIN over the siding in this region as extra protection. But this would only serve to keep new ones away and won’t solve the current problem. For that you’ll need the Drione.
Here are direct links to the information and products mentioned above:
Carpenter Bee Control: www.carpenterbees.com/carpenter-bee-control
Drione: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
Give us a call if you still have questions.
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