We have just discovered carpenter bees in my daughters wooden swing set. The wooden brace that runs up the slide has several holes. One of them has a great big mama bee staring back at me. What is my plan of attack? How do I kill them/flush them out without getting stung? And how do I keep them from just moving on to a new section of swing set once I treat the current holes? The weather has FINALLY gotten nice and my 4 year old really wants to be on her swing set….help!
If you take some time to read through our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL article, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do. A quick dusting with some DRIONE will take care of them instantly. Plug up the hole 1 day later with some of our 1/2″ CORKS and you’ll be done with that nest for sure. If you only have 10 or less nests to treat, a can of the PT-230 (aerosol version of Drione seen on the DRIONE page) will be enough to do the job.
To keep them away, spray the entire swing set with CYPERMETHRIN. Treatments should last 2-4 weeks and are easy to apply using any standard PUMP SPRAYER.
Organic options include the DE DUST in place of the Drione and some BUG PATROL in place of the Cypermethrin. Neither will last as long so expect to do an extra application or two but they will handle the problem.
Here are direct links:
jonathan www.bugspray.com 1-800-877-7290