We always thought they were bumble bees, I wouldn’t want to kill bumble bees, but what purpose does the carpenter bees have. They have bored into everything on the outside of our house, under our railing on porches, under the carport. Even under our porch rockers, which are made of cedar, there are several holes that are almost all the way through. What can we do. Help!!!
Carpenter bees, like many other bee species, serve us and the environment by pollinating plants. They feed on pollen and while collecting their food they cross pollinate plants which in turn enables the plants to reproduce and propagate. However, the vast amount of carpenter bees (99%+) exist in the wild and not on our homes. This means the ones which invade our homes won’t be missed if we decide to kill them. In other words, you don’t have to worry about controlling the bees actively boring out and drilling holes in your home. Dust all the holes you see with the DRIONE DUST for quick control. Next, seal the treatment with the 1/2″ CORKS and the nest will be shut down. All the details are nicely explained in our CARPENTER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE and you should read through it prior to treating so you understand just what this bee is all about.
Lastly, spray the surface of any exposed wood with CYPERMETHRIN to repel and keep away new activity. Doing this every spring 1-2 will usually keep them away for good. But for the spray to work properly, you must first dust the nests with the Drione.
Here are direct links to all the information and products mentioned above:
Drione: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Crusader Duster: bugspray.com/equipment/dusters/crusader
Corks: bugspray.com/equipment/equipment-plugs/cork-12
Cypermethrin: bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
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mary holmes says
we have a bee that has yellow circles around his tail, black body. found near cement and another hole on wood pole. help what is he and how to eliminate. as they go into their hole they are bring in green leaves or some type of vegistation.
admin says
@mary holmes: Most likely a mason or leaf cutting bee. There are many species of these bees and wasps. Several are black with yellow stripes around their body so what you’re describing could turn out to be anyone of these. Mostly solitary, they harvest leaves and other plant parts to use for their nests. You can read more about them here: